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    • Lisa Peer on May 20, 2018 at 11:16 am
    • Reply

    Being a registered democrat who has voted mostly for democratic candidates in every election, I am incredibly disappointed in how people encouraging voter registration for the democratic party have been behaving.

    Yesterday at the farmers market in Tracy CA, my husband was stopped by three different people for the same organization asking if he was registered to vote. As we were leaving, another man with a clip board stopped us and tried to engage my husband in a conversation about “the current political climate of the country.” We were in a bit of a rush out of there to get our cranky toddler home for a nap, but this man was extremely aggressive when my husband did not want to engage in conversation. I’ve never seen anything like that before.

    About an hour later, a fourth group of people came to our door. Because our son was sleeping, I did not answer the doorbell immediately. The group of three people on my doorstep then began to pound loudly on the door until we answered it. We were greeted with the same question we’d already been asked earlier. “Are you registered to vote?”

    Yes, we are. And yes we are registered democrats. No, we do not want to discuss politics with you on the street. No, we do not want to discuss politics with you on our doorstep. Also, we have a sign on our door asking people not to knock for sales, religious or political views. It would be lovely if you could remind the people who are out and about on the behalf of the party to be respectful. Thank you!

    1. Lisa-
      Thank you for your comments, and I am sorry you had that experience. We are in Fresno, but I will gladly forward your comments to someone in San Joaquin county if you would like me to.

    • douglas on December 29, 2019 at 7:53 pm
    • Reply

    the news is not decisive… i wanted to make a donation to the opponent to devin nunes, but it sounds like there are 3 democratic opponents? so instead of donating, i will sut in the sidelines wondering if we as a country are to be subjected to devin nunes for another term… it is a shame to elect such a political criminal….

    1. Douglas-
      There are 3 Democrats that are running against Mr. Nunes this term. Our club has endorsed Bobby Bliatout this time because of his platform and positions that he has taken. Here is his website, I hope you look at it and consider supporting him too.

    • Michelle Wright on December 30, 2019 at 1:47 pm
    • Reply

    Hi San Joaquin Valley Democratic Club –

    I’m Michelle, the Northern CA Deputy Organizing Director for the Warren for President campaign. I wanted to reach out personally as staff and volunteers across the country are working hard to secure Senator Warren’s campaign to be the next President of the United States!

    As you may know, this campaign relies on community members from all over California to volunteer and get engaged at every level. I was inspired to get involved because of her comprehensive plans for many issues that affect me and my communities. It’s not just lip service with Senator Warren, it’s her commitment to big, structural change that continues to inspire me. 

    Every day, volunteers just like you are empowered to rally their friends and communities to host house parties, to knock on doors and to make calls – any reason to connect and share some of the inspiring reasons that they are getting politically activated. You can see some of the events that are taking place locally by visiting MobilizeAmerica – California for Warren.

    Above just visiting our events page, we want to help you get engaged locally. Don’t worry, there are many ways to get involved and we’ll work with you every step of the way. 

    I’d love to share more about why I joined Team Warren and to hear what matters to you this upcoming election. Can we schedule a virtual hangout or call in the next couple weeks? 

    Looking forward to connecting soon!

    In community,

    1. Hi Michelle-
      We invite you to come to our club meeting and introduce yourself and the Warren campaign to us. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday January 15. We call to order at 6:30pm. Our program will be a presentation on the Voters Choice Act that is being used in Fresno Co. starting with the 2020 primary. We meet at the Denny’s on Shaw at First, 1110 E. Shaw Ave. Fresno CA 93726. Hope to see you there.


  1. Hello my name is Daisy, on behalf of the Fresno County Democratic Party we would like to know if San Joaquin Valley Democratic Club is going to be chartering this year? Is so, the deadline to submit your by-laws ( if changed), a club roster, list of officers , and a $25 fee is March 31st. Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Thank you for the outreach, we have had problems with the website and are now back in it.

  2. Hello! I am a volunteer with the Drop Life Without Parole (LWOP) Coalition – a group of directly impacted individuals, allies, and organizations working to end California’s racist and inhumane LWOP sentencing. As you may have heard, the Drop LWOP Coalition is fighting tirelessly for the passage of SB300. SB 300 will reform California’s unjust “felony murder special circumstance” law to ensure that the death penalty and life without the possibility of parole cannot be imposed on those who did not kill, nor intend that a person die, during a crime. It will also return discretion to judges so an LWOP sentence can be changed if it is determined to be too harsh for the circumstances.

    At the moment, SB300 must pass through the California State Assembly and constituents’ voices are needed in this fight! If you are willing and able, we would love to have your organization’s support! I
    Here are some ways your club can help us move this bill forward:

    Work with us to provide a Drop LWOP and SB300 presentation for your members
    Submit a Letter of Support for SB 300 to Assembly member Villapudua who is a key vote on this bill
    Join or host a constituent meeting with your Assembly member.

    Sign up to be an SB 300 “Superfriend” to get regular updates about needed actions before critical votes.

    Can you help us in any (or all) of the above ways?

    We can provide more information, template letters, etc. We would love to work with you to pass SB 300 and ultimately end LWOP! Thank you so much for your support.

    In Solidarity,
    Jane Courant
    The Drop LWOP Coalition

    P.S. Please let us know if you would like to add your email to the SB 300 Superfriends email list for regular Action Updates

  3. San Joaquin Valley Democratic Club is an endorser of Democratic candidates in the election coming up soon! Help your organization’s members vote easily and simply by using the Blue Voter Guide. Created by Field Team 6, is the new, unique get-out-the-vote tool built by grassroots organizers for everyone. It’s progressive, simple, and shareable — bringing along all voters, including first-time or hesitant ones, to make voting easier and fun.

    How does it work? A voter goes to, enters his/her/their address, and views his/her/their ballot. There’s no cost and no tricks (we don’t collect or distribute address information) and the user can easily share choices with family, friends, and social media.

    Our web app is now available on desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone for battleground states: AZ, CA, FL, GA, NC, NV, PA, TX, WI. To learn more, please have a look at our brief video. This November, the grassroots is flexing the muscles we’ve been developing since 2016. We’re driving turnout by turning sample ballots into simple ballots.

    Please help get the word out by promoting Blue Voter Guide on your organization website and social media to help members vote. Click here to find readymade assets to immediately post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

    We’d love to tell you more and answer any questions:

    In Unity,
    Melanie Burgess
    Field Team 6 Volunteer

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